based on 1635 published reviews

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Bonne caméra extérieur avec détection de mouvement pour allumer la lumière et sonner quand l’alarme et activer facile à poser et très simple pour la coupler avec la centrale on peut régler luminosité pour la lumière de nuit ce connecte au réseau wifi il faut une alimentation en 220V je recommande
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Kams(acheteur vérifié)
Great easy to use
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Adele C.(acheteur vérifié)
We have a Ring doorbell already and ring floodlights outside - and I've been really impressed. We recently got a puppy and thought it would be good to be able to check on him when we are out the house. Quality is fantastic and its really nice to be able to keep up to date with what he's up to. Puppy cam has become very popular at work and watching him get excited when my wife and son come home from work is always a lovely site. Highly recommend ring cameras.
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N17_adl(acheteur vérifié)
Having looked at many of the leading security cameras on the market, I decided that the Arlo Pro 4 was best for me. I particularly like the versatility they give you, you can either use them singularly or pair them with a hub. I chose to pair with a hub, as I've opted for a 4 camera system. The picture quality is very good and the clarity is excellent for my needs. I also like the small form factor, as they can be discreetly positioned, so as not to be too obtrusive. I also chose to pair them with a hub so that I can use a memory stick to store the images, rather than pay an annual subscription for cloud storage. The 4 camera system gives me adequate coverage of my property with hardly any blind spots. Customising of settings again meets my needs. Battery life is a claimed 6 months, only time will tell if this proves to be accurate. Overall I'm very satisfied with this product.
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Brent(acheteur vérifié)
I bought the four pack of Arlo wireless cameras. They replaced my Hive, which, quite honestly have driven me bonkers. They would drop out all the time, you can’t mute the sound. There was a lot I didn’t like - Then along came Arlo. I absolutely love them. They haven’t dropped out once, you can mute them, have the light on. They have an inbuilt siren, what a great idea. The picture quality is great, no complaints. I love the way they auto zoom and focus. The light being on does eat up the battery in a high motion area, however, you can switch this off. So far I am super pleased with Arlo and would not hesitate in recommending these camera’s.
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C A.(acheteur vérifié)
Brilliant and worth every penny. The 360 degrees is excellent and really does lock on and track, there is nothing it doesn't do. Install was done quickly and the app is great, no monthly fees and it is just the best cctv I've ever experienced and I've had a few. Would buy this again and recommend to everyone, very happy. The sound quality and lighting is excellent too and it does work through my alexia echo 10 too so I say alexia show me my front camera, and only notifies for humans as I have pets so no unnecessary notifications either.excellent technology
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Yasanyasan(acheteur vérifié)
Will work well for our next heatwave. Slightly noisier than our normal fan, but it's a much bigger and efficient unit
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Canny S.(acheteur vérifié)
Liked it doesn’t take long to cool a room,instruction manual leaves a lot to be desired
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Mark R.(acheteur vérifié)
Chiariamolo subito, questo ventilatore da soffitto CIRALI 52 della Eglo, azienda austriaca nata nel 1969 ed oggi società internazionale leader nella illuminazione per interni ed esterni, oltre che essere un ottimo sistema per garantire raffrescamento estivo e distribuzione di calore nei mesi più rigidi, ed essere anche un discreto punto luce, è uno splendido oggetto di arredamento, e dico questo perché ne ho avuto diversi in casa e questo è sicuramente il più elegante e discreto.Non voglio neppure dimenticare il fatto che oltre ad avere ottime performance lega questa efficienza ad un consumo molto ridotto grazie al motore a corrente continua di cui è dotato ed un controllo tramite telecomando reattivo e ricco di funzioni, sia legate alla regolazione della velocità che alla temperatura di colore della piastra a led sottostante.Tutto bene quindi? Si ma… non è assolutamente banale da montare, se non siete esperti con trapani, fissaggi a soffitto e non avete una minima dimestichezza con l'impiantistica elettrica non vi consiglio di affrontare il montaggio in solitaria, il peso del ventilatore non è indifferente, potrebbe essere necessario sostituire le viti ad espansione fornite in dotazione con tasselli ad ancorina, ovviamente dipende dalla vostra tipologia di soffitto e comunque fate attenzione al fatto che il peso che dovranno sostenere non è solo quello del ventilatore ma anche le forze aggiuntive date dal movimento convettivo dell'aria.Chiarito questo non si tratta comunque di un assemblaggio troppo complesso, certo il CIRALI 52 arriva integralmente smontato, il manuale è però sufficientemente chiaro, personalmente ho prima provato a montarlo sul banco da lavoro per vedere come far passare al meglio i cavi e sistemare opportunamente la centralina che dovrà essere innestata con attenzione proprio nel supporto di fissaggio a soffitto.Se state operando il montaggio da soli, cosa che comunque sconsiglio, vi suggerisco comunque di montare le pale una volta fissata la struttura a soffitto.Per quanto riguarda il funzionamento io lo sto utilizzando nella mia casa di campagna, priva di condizionamento e si e dimostrato eccellente nel creare una circolazione d'aria piacevole anche in notturna avendolo sistemato in camera da letto, graditissimo il movimento brezza naturale che garantisce un buon raffrescamento senza eccessi e comunque ottima la silenziosità del motore.Piuttosto facile da pulire, soprattutto le pale in ABS non sono sensibili alla umidità e pertanto la spesa non proprio popolare affrontata, sarà ripagata in anni di utilizzo (lo spero, in caso diverso modificherò la recensione), il timer che regola lo spegnimento è preciso e la velocità massima a cui al momento la ho adoperato è la 3 su 5 disponibili e posso assicurarvi che già a velocità media la circolazione d'aria nella camera era molto elevata.Complessivamente quindi sono molto soddisfatto del CIRALI 52, lo consiglio, così come comunque ne consiglio il montaggio da parte di un esperto o almeno in due persone, per quanto riguarda il prezzo comprendo che a molti possa sembrare dispendioso, ma si tratta di un oggetto di design efficiente e anche poco energivoro, pertanto, ne giustifico il listino e lo promuovo con il massimo dei voti.
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Gianni C.(acheteur vérifié)
Will work well for our next heatwave. Slightly noisier than our normal fan, but it's a much bigger and efficient unit
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Canny S.(acheteur vérifié)
Liked it doesn’t take long to cool a room,instruction manual leaves a lot to be desired
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Mark R.(acheteur vérifié)
I like how this model has the battery level on the display. Its a helpful indicator rather than just the power light changing from green to yellow-green to red like the previous Ricoh Theta V. I got the beige color and it is beautiful.
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Tina J.(acheteur vérifié)
So I’d just would like to give some advice on research to save time. When you buy this doorbell camera read all the information provided here. 1) make sure you have the proper voltage for your new device. 2) locate your doorbell transformer and test the voltage. 3) this device needs 16vac. So to save some time you can order your new transformer right here on tektit like I did when I ordered this doorbell camera. Get everything you need sent to your door all at once. Very easy to install. If you don’t know electrical I recommend a professional to get everything goin for ya. Great product and is working just fine. Everything is working as advertised and I couldn’t be happier not paying monthly fees. I chose this item as well in case I wanted to upgrade my security with cameras for my driveway. Lorex has a nice line of products I’ve read about so I might have to give that all a go one day.
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Thomas(acheteur vérifié)
Ich bin mir oft nicht ganz sicher, ob es geklingelt hat, wenn ich in meinem Büro im 2.Stock bin.Als Fan von Alexa hatte ich mich am Markt umgesehen und bin über diese Lampe/Aussenkamera gestoßen.Da diese Lampen-Kamera jetzt mehrmals zu deutlich günstigeren Preis von tektit angeboten wurde, habe ich für die Terrasse nochmals zugeschlagen.Lampe:+ Unterschiedliche Einstellungen von der der Art der Beleuchtung und der Zeit+ Ambiente Licht+ Edel im Design, ist aber natürlich Geschmackssache+ LED StromspartechnikKamera Bild:+ Gute HD Aufnahmen sowohl am Tag als auch in der Nacht+/- Leichte Verögerung über die Android App - relative große Verzögerung via Alexa (ca. 5sec)Wechselsprechanlage:+ Gut Qualität +/- Leichte Verögerung über die Android App - relative große Verzögerung via AlexaInstallation:+ Einfach, kann über Video an der der Homepage von Bosch angesehen werdenSoftware:* Andoid App + Gute Einstellmöglichkeiten +/- Sprache kann nicht autom. aufgezeichnet werden - Warum kann bei der Aussenkamera keine Personenerkennung aktiviert werden? Was ist der Unterschied zur Innenkamera?* Alexa Skill + Es funktioniert grundsätzlich - Die Verzögerung von ca. 5 sec. ist eigentlich ein KO für meinen AnwedungsfallGrundsätzliches:Beide Kameras haben eine gute WLAN Vernbindung.Bei mir war der Security Gedanke nicht Fordergrund gestanden.Warum gebe ich trotz den defintiv noch vorhandenen Verbesserungspotentialen 5 Sterne?Derzeit dürfte dieses Produkt das beste im Markt in diesem Preislevel sein.Ich hoffe allerdings, das Bosch noch an der Alexa Skill Verbesserungen vornimmt.Warum muss Bild und Ton über einen Bosch Server laufen?Es ist leider im privatbereich der Hausautomatisierung zum Standard geworden, obwohl darin keinerlei Kundennutzen zu sehen ist. -)*** Update 30.Nov.2018 ***An meiner bisherigen Bewertung hat sich im Grundsatz nichts geändert, aber ich bin mit den bekannten Schwächen trotzdem sehr zufrieden. Ich habe jetzt allerdings des Öfteren gelesen, dass Anwender in Verbindung mit Alexa die Fehlermeldung bekommen **** Das Gerät reagiert nicht ****.Dies hatte ich vor ca. 4 Monaten auch einmal und habe es mit dem deaktivieren/aktivieren des Alexa Skills mit dem Bosch Account gelöst. Nicht schön, aber seit diesem Zeitpunkt läuft es wieder problemlos.Vorausgesetzt das die Bosch APP kein Problem anzeigt, sonst habt Ihr ein grundsätzliches Problem z.B. LAN-Verbindung. Ich hoffe das hilft verschiedenen Alexa Besitzern in Verbindung mit der Bosch Außenkamera.By the way, großes Lob an Bosch für die Vorab Informationen, wenn ein neues Update ansteht!Da könnten andere Hersteller …*** Update Mai 2020 ***Nach mehr als 2 Jahren sind beide Lampen (Haustüre und Terrasse) bei Wind und Wetter im Einsatz. Es gab keine weiteren Störungen und verrichten klaglos ihren Dienst. Die App wurde kontinuierlich weiter verbessert. Jetzt kann z.B. der Ton mit aufgezeichnet werden, oder die Empfindlichkeit des Auslösers feiner justiert werden. An der Verzögerung der Übertragung (Bild und Ton) hat sich leider nicht sehr viel verändert. Die Android App ist noch OK aber Alexa dauert einfach zu lange. Wobei es eher an Alexa liegt, da die tektit Hausmarke Blink mit den gleichen Problemen der untragbaren Verzögerungen kämpft.Fazit nach 2 Jahren:Stabile Funktion trotz den Herausforderungen für die Elektronik im Außenbereich. Bild und Ton (Tag und Nacht) sind sehr gut. Eine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der Software seitens des Herstellers war bisher gewährleistet. Für mich hat sich der Kauf gelohnt und ich kann das Produkt mit dieser Qualität zu diesem Preis weiterempfehlen. Allerdings sollte jeder erstmal seine Anforderungen an die Kamera und Lampe prüfen bevor er diese kauft. Wer zum Beispiel ein schlechtes WLAN hat wird mit dieser Kamera nicht glücklich, wie man hier des Öfteren als Problem der Kamera nachlesen kann. Auch als Wechselsprechanlage (driven by event) ist dieses Produkt nur eingeschränkt zu empfehlen. Wenn ich allein Zuhause im Büro sitze habe ich die Kamera der Haustüre permanent an und lasse es auf meinen Echo Show anzeigen (mit Ton zum Aufwachen ). By the way, das Design gefällt mir immer noch sehr gut, im Besonderen da für mich das Thema „Abschreckung“ eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt sondern unauffälliges und gutes Design…, ist aber natürlich auch Geschmackssache. **** Update August 2021 ****Weiterhin keine großartigen Veränderungen an der HW und SW. Ich bin allerdings sehr zufrieden, da beide Lampen/Kameras weiterhin problemlos Ihren Dienst im Außenbereich verrichten. Für mich eine klare Kaufempfehlung, trotz den vorhandenen und beschrieben Schwächen.
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Geha(acheteur vérifié)
Works great
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Lawrence T.(acheteur vérifié)
The Annke PoE cctv cameras work perfectly.I would recommend them for anyone looking for a reliable cctv camera that would record with or without internet 24/7....
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Michael.(acheteur vérifié)
Like most reviews I've read about this system, it was a bit complicated to set up in terms of registering. I was advised by Yale to use the Yale View App, not the Yale Home app as mentioned in the instructions.You need to plug your DVR system into a monitor or tv so that you can register and set a password. Then you scan the QR code and add the system to the app. You can then remove the monitor and finish set up on the app.The instructions just aren't clear enough but you can call Yale and request a call back for help.The actual system is now running and great. Can turn on notifications separate to my existing systems, which is handy. Night vision is good and having it in HD is a nice bonus.
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Mr E.(acheteur vérifié)
I bought the wireless video doorbell as I have the Arlo pro cameras so it would compliment my system. I had issues getting the chime to sound on Alexa and as always their support was great. I have read others had the same issue this is what they said.1) Unlink Arlo with Alexa.2) Uninstall and restart phone and then install Arlo app.3) Reconnect to the Alexa and the Arlo account.4) Re-assign Arlo skills.
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Mark T.(acheteur vérifié)
This is a great device and perfect for my needs. I have it pointing out of a window at a gate and outbuilding entrance. It triggers and records when ever I have a visitor and the live feed is great too.The only draw back is night vision won't work through the glass window, but my security lights still make it functional (when triggered).Picture quality is satisfactory, but i think it could be better.It only took 10 minutes to set up and I was happy enough with camera that I bought a second Ezviz (external) camera to keep an eye on my car.N.b. I use a Samsung Note10 Plus to receive images.
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Mark R.(acheteur vérifié)
Fantastic blink camera.No wires very easy to set up, it took 5 minutes and everything was up and running.Can’t believe how clear the camera is.If your looking for a HD camera which is small in size and weather proof and works day and night I recommend you purchase blink security cam. It’s great , works really well with my phone instant notifications plus two way voice control. Excellent value for money. Highly recommend
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Kathy(acheteur vérifié)