1/ Set up the Trust Attestation

The Trust Attestation is a page dedicated to your business that gathers the opinions of your customers as well as the attestation of our company, the contact information of your company and your Transparency index.


2/ Install the SAG module on your site

The free module (PrestaShop, WooCommerce or Magento) allows you to broadcast your customers' reviews both on your website and on every product you sell. This feature allows, among other things, the display of stars on search engine results.


3/ Get reviews

From your old orders

In order to speed up the implementation of our solution, automatically send a review request to your last customers.

From a review file

Do you already have a CSV customer review file? Import it to the Review Import page.


4/ It's over

The solution is now functional, but you can optimize certain parameters.


Automatic validation

Collecting rules allows you to define from which rating, reviews should be automatically validated.
A customizable list of banned keywords will allow you to avoid automatic validation of certain reviews.
Automatically validated reviews are always adjustable after validation.



On the Widgets page you can select the widget of your choice as well as its location on your site (top, bottom, left, right). For the widget to appear you must have enabled this feature on the module configuration page on your site.